Hospital in the US using acupuncture to successfully treat long COVID symptoms

Studies shows that about one in three people end up with long COVID, which include symptoms like fatigue and brain fog that can stay around three to six months after illness.

Given the lack of access to actively infected COVID-19 patients it is highly likely that acupuncturist will be more focused on the treatment of Long COVID patients.

Read more about the use of Acupuncture treatment in long COVID patients.

“A lot of my COVID long haul patients are coming in, saying they feel shortness of breath, but also fatigue, body aches, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, these are things that we often treat with acupuncture. And luckily, as we’ve been applying acupuncture to the long haul cases we’ve been seeing a good response from patients,” said Christine Kaiser, a licensed acupuncturist, and the clinical manager for acupuncture at UH Connor Whole Health.

Watch the report from Connor Whole Health, Cleveland, Untied states:

Acupuncture treatment is already being accepted to be a safe therapy and considered by many to be an effective therapy for a growing number of conditions which include both pain and non-pain syndromes. Acupuncture is recommended for the chronic fatigue, different types of chronic pains and for chronic headaches, all of which are common symptoms of Long COVID-19 1

The World Health Organization (WHO) and China joint mission highly praised the non-pharmacological measures of the “China model” in fighting COVID-19. While Chinese herbal medicine has been recommended for COVID-19 treatment, acupuncture has been suggested for use in its rehabilitation stage 2

Unfortunately WHO did not praise Taiwan’s response to COVID-19 and ignore this country’s tremendous success in preventing a large-scale epidemic. The attached article below is a great example to understand the action items that were implemented quickly in Taiwan 3 .


  1. Reflections on the potential role of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in the treatment of COVID-19 and subsequent health problems, Integrative Medicine Research,
  2. Recovery of a patient with severe COVID-19 by acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine adjuvant to standard care, journal of integrative medicine,
  3. Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan, JAMA, 2020;323(14):1341-1342. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.3151

