Acupuncture decreased the risk of coronary heart disease in patients with osteoarthritis in Taiwan

This post is dedicated to either Chinese medicine practitioners or the general population who are interested in the academic field of Chinese medicine. The academic field in Taiwan and more specifically, my university China Medical University, where I pursue my postgraduate academic degrees, is very much developed. 

Read more in the post below.

As part of my on going research about the benefit and clinical cost-effectiveness of Acupuncture treatment, last year, I published a cohort study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM) about the use of acupuncture treatment in osteoarthritis (OA) patients and their increased association to develop coronary heart disease (CHD).  It was the first nationwide Taiwanese population study that showed the association between OA patients and CHD, and the beneficial effects of acupuncture treatment in reducing CHD incidence and lowering medical expenditure.  This real-world evidence study was selected for publication in the JACM special issue entitled “Effectiveness, Implementation and Dissemination Research in Integrative Health,” published on March 31, 2021.  It is my hope that this manuscript and other publications like it may assist us in building bridges between doctors of all backgrounds and be the cornerstone, from bench to bedside, in the integration of acupuncture into conventional care in western countries for the promotion of the integrative medicine research field. I have found evidence that support the use of Acupuncture

The title of this paper: Acupuncture decreased the risk of coronary heart disease in patients with osteoarthritis in Taiwan: A nationwide matched cohort study.

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