Tung Acupuncture foundation course
Tung Acupuncture lineage originated from Taiwan and the last 5 decades gained popularity worldwide due to its simplicity and clinical efficacy. It is a complete acupuncture system that doesn’t have a connection to orthodox acupuncture channels. It can be applied not only in pain management but also for internal medicine diseases. Find more info about seminars and workshops

The Medical Theory of Channels & Collaterals (Online course)
Do you want to learn in depth and know how to navigate the channels and collaterals in order to improve your understanding in Acupuncture and to achieve better clinical results. he course objectives is to learn how to use acupuncture from channel theory and not organ theory point of view and to study the classical concept of the Medical Theory of Channels and Collaterals

Tung Acupuncture Workshop in Taiwan
A 2-week Master Tung style of Acupuncture study workshop to Taipei, Taiwan is organized and guided by Gil Ton. This is a clinically-based study workshop, which include 5-day seminar and 4 full days of sightseeing trips. The workshop is suitable for Acupuncturist or fourth year students and the language of instruction is Chinese simultaneously translate into English.