James H. Maher was an americam practitioner who lived in Taiwan during the 80s and transleted may local Chinese medicine doctors books. I find his books higly clinicals Source: Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture, James H. Maher
•Source [出處 chū chù]:
Tung original book (1973)
•Name【名稱 mīng chéng】:
dà jiān [大間]
xiǎo jiān [小間]
cè jiān [側間]
Dà [大] big; xiǎo [小] small; cè [側] side; jiān [間] space
•Zone: 1-1 (11-04 Finger Three spaces *)
•Location【部位 bù wèi】:
On the palmar aspect of the index finger, 3-point set at the margin of the proximal phalangeal bone. (Line B)
Divide the phalanx into half where the second point is located. Then, between the phalangeal joint and metacarpal-phalangeal joint located the other two points.
•Needling【針法 zhēn fǎ】:
0.2-0.5 cun perpendicular.
•Reaction area:
lung, heart and 6 bowels.
Hernia – shan qi, bronchitis, tonsillitis, keratitis, heart disease, palpitations, knee pain, enteritis, abdominal distention, infantile malnutrition
Asthma: 11-04, 33-04, 11-11, 77-12
Prostatitis: 11-04, 77-12, 1010.19, 1010.20, 66.04