LI9: 上廉 [shàng lián] upper ridge

•Source [出處 chū chù]:

The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion【甲乙經 jiǎ yǐ jīng】

•Channel and collateral【經絡 jīng luò】:

Hand yang ming

Name【名稱 mīng chéng】:

上 [shàng] : upper

廉 [lián] : ridge

The explanation of this point’s name is the same as LI8.

Location【部位 bù wèi】:

On the posterolateral aspect of the forearm. On the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 3 cun inferior to the cubital crease.

Needling【針法 zhēn fǎ】:

Perpendicular needling, 0.5-1 cum depth. 3-5 Moxa cons and 5-10 minutes of moxa stick

Action【功效 gōng xiào】:

Coursing and draining yang ming channel heat 疏泄陽明經熱 [shū xiè yáng míng jīng rè]

•Indication【主治 zhǔ zhì】:

Headache, shoulder pain, knee swelling, abdominal and bowel pain, difficulty in urination, hemiplegia, periarthritis of the shoulder joint, hemiplegia, elbow strain.