•Source [出處 chū chù]:
The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion【甲乙經 jiǎ yǐ jīng】
•Channel and collateral【經絡 jīng luò】:
Hand tai yin
•Name【名稱 mīng chéng】:
雲 [yún] : cloud
門 [mén] : gate
This point is the highest point in the hand tai yin lung channel, therefore its name: cloud gate.
•Location【部位 bù wèi】:
On the anterior thoracic region, in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, medial to the coracoid process of the scapula, 6 cun lateral to the anterior median line.
Note 1: After identifying the deltopectoral triangle when the arm is flexed and slightly abducted against resistance, LU2 is in the centre of the deltopectoral triangle.
Note 2: ST13, KI27, CV21 and LU2 are located on the transverse line along the inferior border of the clavicle.
•Indication 主治【zhǔ zhì】:
Upper jiao disorders such as asthma, shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, chest pain