•Source [出處 chū chù]:
The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion【甲乙經 jiǎ yǐ jīng】
•Channel and collateral【經絡 jīng luò】:
Leg jue yin
•Name【名稱 mīng chéng】:
膝 [xī] : Knee
關 [guān] : joint, gate, passageway, pass
•Location【部位 bù wèi】:
On the medial aspect of the knee, in the depression medial to the tendons of the semitendinosus and the semimembranosus muscles, at the medial end of the popliteal crease.
Note: With the knee flexed, LR8 is located in the depression medial to the most prominent tendon on the medial end of the popliteal crease.
•Needling【針法 zhēn fǎ】:
Needle 1-1.5 cun perpendicular. 3-5 Moxa cons and 10-15 minutes of moxa stick
•Indication【主治 zhǔ zhì】:
Classical: knee pain cannot be flexed or extended, cold dampness walking, paralysis of lower limbs, wind pain, sore throat.
Modern: Gout.