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Laser Acupuncture for Infants, Children & Adolescents

AcuMed is at the forefront of pediatric alternative medicine with our Laser Acupuncture services for infants, children, and adolescents. Dr. Gil Ton specializes in this modern adaptation of acupuncture, using low-level lasers to stimulate acupoints without the need for needles, offering a completely pain-free experience.

Our laser treatments are ideal for younger patients who may be apprehensive about traditional acupuncture. The procedure is swift and comforting, making it a suitable option for various pediatric conditions, including colic, asthma, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. It is a non-thermal, non-invasive therapy that has been shown to reduce inflammation, promote healing, and alleviate pain.

Each session is carried out with the utmost care and precision, tailored to the delicate needs of our younger patients. Dr. Ton’s expertise ensures that your child’s safety and comfort are paramount. The laser therapy is administered with the same principles as traditional acupuncture but with a modern approach that aligns with today’s technological advancements.

The goal of Laser Acupuncture at AcuMed is not only to treat existing conditions but also to enhance overall health and prevent future ailments. We provide a supportive and nurturing environment where parents and children can find a path to sustained health and wellness.
