Module 1 | Course introduction |
Unit 1 | 1. Course introduction |
Unit 2 | 1.1 The three concepts |
Unit 3 | 1.2 The difference between channel and organ |
Unit 4 | 1.3 The roots of channels and collaterls |
Unit 5 | 1.4 The meaning of the characters jīng luò [經絡] |
Unit 6 | 1.5 The definition of the channel system |
Unit 7 | 1.6 The anatomical identity and functions of the channels |
Unit 8 | 1.7 The 6 skin areas and the sinew channels |
Unit 9 | 1.8 The collaterals channels |
Module 2 | Points categories |
Unit 1 | 2. Acupuncture point definition |
Unit 2 | 2.1 The two types of qi circulation |
Unit 3 | 2.2 The five transport points |
Unit 4 | 2.3 The Jing and Spring points (5 transport) |
Unit 5 | 2.4 The Stream River and Sea points (5 transport) |
Unit 6 | 2.5 Five phases point category |
Unit 7 | 2.6 The source, collateral and cleft points (1) |
Unit 8 | 2.7 The 8 confluent, lower uniting, 12 heavenly star, 4 command points categories |
Unit 9 | 2.8 The back transport and collecting, 8 gatherings, 4 seas points |
Module 3 | 3. Hand Tai yin Lung channel |
Unit 1 | 3. Hand tai yin lung channel |
Unit 2 | 3.1 Hand tai yin channel & exterior and interior pathways |
Unit 3 | 3.2 Inner canon and organ functions |
Unit 4 | 3.3 The lung is the commander of qi |
Unit 5 | 3.4 Hand tai yin qi transformation |
Unit 6 | 3.5 The relationships between other channels |
Unit 7 | 3.6 Hand tai yin clinical applications (2) |
Unit 8 | 3.7 Hand tai yin clinical applications (1) |
Unit 9 | 3.8 Hand tai yin sinew channel |
Unit 10 | 3.9 Hand tai yin sinew collateral and divergent channels and Q&A session |
Module 4 | 4. Hand yang ming Large Intestine channel |
Unit 1 | 4. Hand yang ming large intestine channel |
Unit 2 | 4.1 Hand yang ming channel pathways and He Gu point |
Unit 3 | 4.2 Exterior interior relationship |
Unit 4 | 4.3 The nature of channel and treatment principals |
Unit 5 | 4.4 Hand yang ming clinical application (1) |
Unit 6 | 4.5 Hand yang ming clinical application (2) |
Unit 7 | 4.6 Hand yang ming sinew and collateral channels |
Unit 8 | 4.7 Hand yang ming collateral and divergent channels and Q&A session |
Module 5 | 5. Foot yang ming Stomach channel |
Unit 1 | 5. Foot yang ming Stomach channel |
Unit 2 | 5.1 Foot yang ming external and internal pathways and ST36 point |
Unit 3 | 5.2 The inner cannon and channel qi transformation |
Unit 4 | 5.3 Foot yang ming associations with other channels |
Unit 5 | 5.4 Foot yang ming clinical application (1) |
Unit 6 | 5.5 Foot yang ming clinical application (2) |
Unit 7 | 5.6 Foot yang ming clinical application (3) |
Unit 8 | 5.7 Foot yang ming clinical application and sinew channel |
Unit 9 | 5.8 Foot yang ming collateral channel |
Unit 10 | 5.9 Foot yang ming divergent channel and Q&A session |
Module 6 | 6. Foot tai yin Spleen channel |
Unit 1 | 6. Foot tai yin Spleen channel |
Unit 2 | 6.1 san yin jiao (SP6) and DM 77-12 |
Unit 3 | 6.2 The Channel pathway and inner classic |
Unit 4 | 6.3 Organ function and channel qi transformation |
Unit 5 | 6.4 Channel relationships and clinical application |
Unit 6 | 6.5 Foot tai yin clinical application |
Unit 7 | 6.6 The sinew channel |
Unit 8 | 6.7 Sinew and collateral channels |
Unit 9 | 6.8 The great collateral and divergent channels |
Module 7 | 7. Hand shao yin Heart channel |
Unit 1 | 7. Hand shao yin Heart channel |
Unit 2 | 7.1 The Bao Mai and HT5 point |
Unit 3 | 7.2 Hand Shao yin channel pathway and inner cannon |
Unit 4 | 7.3 Hand shao yin channel qi transformation |
Unit 5 | 7.4 Hand shao yin clinical application (1) |
Unit 6 | 7.5 Hand shao yin clinical application (2) |
Unit 7 | 7.6 Hand shao yin sinew and collateral channels |
Unit 8 | 7.7 The divergent channel and Q&A section |
Module 8 | 8. Hand tai yang Small Intestine channel |
Unit 1 | 8. Hand tai yang Small Intestine channel |
Unit 2 | 8.1 Channel pathway and qi transformation |
Unit 3 | 8.2 Summary of physiological and other channels relationship |
Unit 4 | 8.3 Hand tai yang clinical application (1) |
Unit 5 | 8.4 Hand tai yang clinical application (2) |
Unit 6 | 8.5 Hand tai yang sinew collateral and divergent channels |
Unit 7 | 8.6 The divergent channel and Q&A |
Module 9 | 9. Foot tai yang Urinary Bladder channel |
Unit 1 | 9. Foot tai yang Urinary bladder channel |
Unit 2 | 9.1 The channel pathway |
Unit 3 | 9.2 The plain question and channel qi transformation |
Unit 4 | 9.3 Foot tai yang and other channels relationship |
Unit 5 | 9.4 Foot tai yang clinical application (1) |
Unit 6 | 9.5 Foot tai yang clinical application (2) |
Unit 7 | 9.6 Foot tai yang clinical application (3) |
Unit 8 | 9.7 Foot tai yang sinew channel |
Unit 9 | 9.8 Foot tai yang collateral and divergent channels |
Module 10 | 10. Foot shao yin Kidney channel |
Unit 1 | 10. Foot shao yin Kidney channel |
Unit 2 | 10.1 The concept of fire within the scope shao yin |
Unit 3 | 10.2 Foot shao yin channel pathway and the inner classic |
Unit 4 | 10.3 Kidney shao yin organ function and channel qi transformation |
Unit 5 | 10.4 Foot shao yin relationship with other channels |
Unit 6 | 10.5 Foot shao yin clinical application |
Unit 7 | 10.6 Foot shao yin sinew channel |
Module 11 | 11. Hand jue yin channel introduction |
Unit 1 | 11. Hand jue yin Pericardium channel |
Unit 2 | 11.1 Hand jue yin channel pathway and the inner classic |
Unit 3 | 11.2 Hand jue yin organ syndromes |
Unit 4 | 11.3 Hand jue yin channel qi transformation |
Unit 5 | 11.4 Hand jue yin relationship with other channels |
Unit 6 | 11.5 Hand jue yin clinical application |
Unit 7 | 11.6 Hand jue yin sinew channel |
Unit 8 | 11.7 Hand jue yin collateral and divergent channels |
Module 12 | 12. Hand shao yang San Jiao channel |
Unit 1 | 12. Hand shao yang San Jiao channel |
Unit 2 | 12.1 What is the San Jiao organ |
Unit 3 | 12.2 The inner classic and Q&A section |
Unit 4 | 12.3 hand shao yang channel's pathways |
Unit 5 | 12.4 Hand shao yang channel qi transformation |
Unit 6 | 12.5 hand shao yang relationships with other channels and clinical application |
Unit 7 | 12.6 Hand shao yang channel clinical application (1) |
Unit 8 | 12.7 Hand shao yang channel clinical application (2) |
Unit 9 | 12.8 Hand shao yang sinew collateral and divergent channels |
Module 13 | 13. Foot shao yang channel introduction |
Unit 1 | 13. Foot shao yang Gall Bladder channel |
Unit 2 | 13.1 Foot shao yang physiology and the inner classic |
Unit 3 | 13.2 Foot shao yang channel pathway |
Unit 4 | 13.3 Foot shao yang channel qi transformation |
Unit 5 | 13.4 Foot shao yang clinical application |
Unit 6 | 13.5 Foot shao yang sinew channel |
Unit 7 | 13.6 Foot shao yang collateral and divergent channels |
Module 14 | 14. Foot jue yin Liver channel |
Unit 1 | 14. Foot jue yin Liver channel |
Unit 2 | 14.1 Foot jue yin channel pathway and the inner classic |
Unit 3 | 14.2 Liver organ function and channel qi transformation |
Unit 4 | 14.3 Foot jue yin channel qi transformation and clinical application |
Unit 5 | 14.4 Foot jue yin clinical application |
Unit 6 | 14.5 Foot jue yin sinew collateral and divergent channels |
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